5 Minutes Recipes

Indian Tea Recipe|How to Make Tasty Tea (Chai) in 5 Minutes in Hindi|Indian Chai Recipe

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Please follow these simple steps for preparing tasty and delicious Tea. Indian Tea Recipe

For preparing 4 cups of tea following are the ingredients you need to use:
1 cup of Water
3 cups of milk
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons Tea
A small amount of Ginger
and 4-5 cardamom

Now take one cup of water, add 2 teaspoons of tea and 2 teaspoons of sugar to it. Add ginger and cardamom to it & keep it on gas stove.

Let it boil and after some time add 3 cups of milk, let this mixture boil properly. Now your delicious tea is ready to be served. Don’t forget to Filter it.

Enjoy your tea.

स्वादिष्ट चाय तैयार करने के लिए कृपया इन सरल चरणों का पालन करें। Indian Tea Recipe in Hindi

4 कप चाय तैयार करने के लिए आपको निम्नलिखित आवश्यक सामग्री का उपयोग करना होगा:
1 कप पानी
3 कप दूध
2 चम्मच चीनी
2 चम्मच चाय
अदरक की छोटी मात्रा
और 4-5 इलायची

अब एक कप पानी लें, इसमें 2 चम्मच चाय और 2 चम्मच चीनी मिलाएं। इसमें अदरक और इलायची डालें और गैस स्टोव पर रखें।

इसे उबलने दें और कुछ देर बाद 3 कप दूध डालें, इस मिश्रण को अच्छी तरह से उबलने दें। अब आपकी स्वादिष्ट चाय परोसने के लिए तैयार है। इसे छानना ना भूलें।

अपनी चाय का आनंद लें।

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I reside in the vibrant city of Mumbai, India, with my beloved wife and our two wonderful children. My kids are the light of my life, constantly keeping me on my toes with their playful and mischievous antics. They are, without a doubt, the greatest gifts that God has blessed me with. Writing is my true passion, and I seize every opportunity to share my thoughts and insights. It has become a cherished pastime, allowing me to impart knowledge and entertain my audience through blog posts and captivating stories. When I'm not immersed in work or writing, you'll likely find me enjoying a range of sports, including table tennis, badminton, carrom, and, of course, cricket. These activities not only keep me active but also help me maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is incredibly important to me.

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