Love Stories

Love never die! It always stays alive in Heart. A true love story!

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This true love story recounts a heartfelt true love story between the narrator and Krishnendu. They met during their MBA years and formed a deep connection, but their relationship faced challenges when Krishnendu’s criminal past, including a murder charge, came to light. Despite attempts to separate, they couldn’t stay apart. Krishnendu’s eventual imprisonment for five years brought temporary hope, but he tragically committed suicide in jail. This tribute keeps Krishnendu’s memory alive, highlighting the enduring pain and complexity of their love.

Memories Resurfacing

There are some memories that are washed out of our system, but sometimes they come gushing like the wind, stunning us and forcing us to think of the past. I had a few affairs before I got married, but there was one true love story that is still fresh in my mind.

Remembering Krishnendu for his true love story

There’s something about him that I couldn’t forget…. Krishnendu, you were special. There is nothing left in my heart, but I still enjoy remembering the time we spent together. Those three years are very special to me. I know you left me alone in this world, but with God’s grace, I met my husband, and I am really thankful to him for helping me come out of that trauma. This was my true love story with Krishnendu.

Meeting Krish

I was 22 when I met Krish. He was a young, smart stud with a height of 6’1″, fair-skinned, and his sense of humor was out of this world. I was completely flattened when I saw him on the first day of my MBA college. He was certainly my dream boy. He was in his second year and was a college leader from a political party. While being socially active, he was also good at studies. I somehow got to interact with him, and I am sure he sensed that I had feelings for him. This was the beginning of our true love story.

A Blossoming Relationship in this true love story

Yes, and that’s what I wanted, to show him my feelings. We started spending good time together. He seemed interested but never took a step ahead. I was getting restless about why he was not proposing to me. So I proposed to him. Initially, he didn’t accept, saying that we should give more time to understand each other, but later he said yes—a big yes—with a proposal full of surprises on that day. Our true love story was moving forward.

True love story

Shocking Revelations

Everything was going fine until I met his ex-girlfriend, who informed me that he had some criminal cases against him. It was a shock because one case was that of murder. I was shocked, rather shattered. I felt that I was going to be in big trouble. I couldn’t even speak to him about it and so I left the relationship incomplete there. It was almost two years before I decided to continue with him because I was finding it difficult to live without him. My true love story seemed to be in jeopardy.

Confessions and Turmoil

Surprisingly, one day he spoke to me about it and admitted his faults and the crimes he had committed. He asked me to leave him because those court cases were going unfavorably for him, and he informed me that he could get a long-term imprisonment. My life was like hell those days. I had no clue what to do as my family didn’t know about my affair, and I had nothing to tell them. I had no clarity on our future and therefore couldn’t speak to them. The true love story was facing a major crisis.

Each day was very difficult to pass. Many times I thought of committing suicide but couldn’t do it because there was always a ray of hope. Meanwhile, my parents were looking out for alliances, and it became my weekly job to meet a new guy every week and reject them.

The Court Hearing

Finally, the day of the court hearing came, and Krish got imprisonment for five years. I was still happy, thinking at least after five years, it would be the end of my sorrows. I was in the court at that time, and after hearing the judgment, I felt relaxed. When I met Krish, he was looking quite depressed. I tried to console him, but it didn’t work out. I kept trying by meeting him in jail many times, but nothing was working. The true love story was becoming increasingly tragic.

The Worst Day

March 13, 2004, was the worst day of my life. I got a call early in the morning from jail that Krish had left me alone in this world and committed suicide. I am really sorry, but I can’t write further as I don’t want to remember all that again. My true love story ended in heartbreak.

A Tribute to Krish

I thought of writing this on this platform so that Krish can still be alive somewhere, even after me. That was our destiny. Krish got into some bad situations and committed some crimes. He was not guilty but perhaps got tired of fighting with the system and situations. Otherwise, trust me, he was a superb guy and a great lover too. God bless his soul! RIP. This true love story will always remain in my heart.


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